Ravi Patel


The ACL Athlete

Website: www.theaclathlete.com 
Email: ravi@theaclathlete.com 
IG: https://www.instagram.com/ravipatel.dpt/  


Where he is located: 

ACL Athlete Services: Remote + In-person in Atlanta, Georgia
ACL Clinical Mentorship: Remote


What is a non-negotiable in ACL rehab?

Objective strength testing. We know that reinjury rates are at an all-time high and return to sport rates are at an all-time low. We have to ask why. Research shows us we aren’t testing. And, when we do, it’s not always the right tests. A data-driven approach can help us bridge this gap. Utilizing a research-backed battery of tests, including objective strength testing for the quads and hamstrings, to make sure athletes are prepared for the demands of their goals.


Why do you support THE ACL CLUB? 

As a 2x ACLer myself, I’ve personally felt how isolating this journey can be. After having the chance to personally connect with Jordan, hearing her story, and the why behind it, it’s a no brainer to support this incredible mission and how they’re changing that narrative. The ACL Club is helping to bring ACLers together and create a sense of community - knowing that you’re not alone and can come out of this a stronger and more resilient human.