Meghan Long


Local Physical Therapy


Where he is located:

Denver, Colorado

What is a non-negotiable for you in ACL rehab? 

>90% compared to uninvolved side: quad and hamstring MMT, triple leg hop, vertical hop, Y balance test, psych return to play assessment completed and extensive sport specific agility/drill training in the clinic. 

Why do you support THE ACL CLUB? 

People greatly underestimate the journey and sacrifice a full ACL rehab takes. I love that the ACL club has created a place for patients/people to feel seen and supported during the long process. As a former D1 athlete myself I want to guide and support athletes to return to doing the things they love. Seeing my patients play their sport after ACL rehab and knowing they have put in the work to make sure their risk of re-injury is as minimized as possible is the best part of my job!